The Maynard High School February Newsletter is here!
8 days ago, Elizabeth York
Basketball Senior Nights on Thursday and Friday! Let's pack the stands!!
11 days ago, Elizabeth York
Senior Nights
Please see the attached calendar for MidYear Examinations. Details will be in "The Week Ahead."
19 days ago, Elizabeth York
midyear exams
Cocoa and Cramming will be held on Tuesday, January 21, from 2:15-3:30, sponsored by Leaders of Change. Please join teachers and students as we study for exams together!
24 days ago, Elizabeth York
cocoa and cramming
Spanish Immersion Information Night will be held on February 5th, 5:45-7:00pm at Fowler
about 1 month ago, Colleen Andrade
SI Info
The Maynard High School January Newsletter is Here!
about 1 month ago, Elizabeth York
Congratulations to our Class of 2025 John and Abigail Adams Award winners!!!
3 months ago, Elizabeth York
Adams Scholars
Please join us in the Maynard High School Auditorium tonight for our "Bridging the Gap" Caregiver Safety Presentations. You will leave with a better understanding of the teenage brain, and you will also be trained to administer Narcan (Naloxone), which will be distributed to participants after training.
3 months ago, Elizabeth York
Safety Night Flyer
The November MHS Newsletter is here!
3 months ago, Elizabeth York
All parents and caregivers are invited to Maynard High School on November 6 at 7:00 PM for an evening of parenting education. Let's keep our teens safe, together!
3 months ago, Elizabeth York
Safety Evening
Tonight is a big night: Senior Night for Football and Pep Band, and our Military Appreciation Game! Please bring food drive items with you to the game. Let's go, Maynard!!!
3 months ago, Elizabeth York
Military Appreciation
Youth Safety Night -- Come join MHS, the MPD, and the SAFE Coalition for an evening of information and training for parents and caregivers. Please join us November 6 at 7:00 PM at Maynard High School.
4 months ago, Elizabeth York
Caregiver flyer
Come down to Maynard Fest for Maynard Public Schools' swag and smiles!!!
4 months ago, Elizabeth York
Maynard Fest
All Middle School Families are invited to the Maynard High School Open House TOMORROW Tuesday October 1 from 6-8 PM. Learn about all the great things we have to offer, participate in hands-on activities, meet the staff, tour the building, enter a free give-away of Maynard Swag, and eat a delicious free dinner!"
4 months ago, Elizabeth York
open house
Maynard High School Safety Forum. Join us online at noon this Friday, September 27. We will answer your questions about safety at Maynard High School. Look for a link in your email on Friday morning! We hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Elizabeth York
school safety
Maynard High School Safety Forum. Join us online at noon this Friday, September 27. We will answer your questions about safety at Maynard High School. Look for a link in your email on Friday morning! We hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Elizabeth York
school safety
All Middle School Families are invited to the Maynard High School Open House TOMORROW Tuesday October 1 from 6-8 PM. Learn about all the great things we have to offer, participate in hands-on activities, meet the staff, tour the building, enter a free give-away of Maynard Swag, and eat a delicious free dinner!"
5 months ago, Elizabeth York
Open House
Maynard High School Safety Forum. Join us online at noon this Friday, September 27. We will answer your questions about safety at Maynard High School. Look for a link in your email on Friday morning! We hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Elizabeth York
Please make your way to Market Basket to help us Stuff a Cruiser!! Saturday, September 14, 10-1!!!
5 months ago, Elizabeth York
stuff a cruiser
Maynard Schools Cafeterias are hiring! Apply on line today at www.WHITSONS.COM/CAREERS or call Sue 978 897 6700 ext. 4020 Current Vacancies are 10:30am -1:30pm and 9:00am -1:30pm
5 months ago, Colleen Andrade
Food Service Hiring